DTE Energy says it won't build a wind turbine near a
resident whose doctor says it would be disorienting and potentially harmful to
her health, reports the
Daily Tribune in Bad Axe.
The utility's decision comes less than two weeks after the
county received a letter from Chandler resident Deb Ruth. She said if a wind
turbine planned for DTE's newest Pinnebog project is erected about a
quarter-mile from her home, it could trigger dizzy spells.

Ruth attached a letter from Scott Baker, a Bay City ear,
nose and throat specialist, who wrote Ruth has Meniere's disease in both ears,
leaving her without balance functions in either ear. Meniere's disease is a
disorder that causes severe dizziness and a roaring sound in the ears called
tinnitus -- a common cause of hearing loss, according to the National Institute
of Health. There is neither a known definite cause of the disease nor cure. Read
the rest of the article
Here is the original article
from the Huron Daily Tribune’s
site, MichigansThumb.com.
This is well worth reading!
HURON COUNTY — A Chandler resident sent a doctor’s note to
the county validating a concern that if she is exposed to a wind turbine,
slated to be built a quarter-mile from her home, it would be “very disorienting
and potentially harmful to her.”
The letter, sent by Deb and Ron Ruth, includes an attachment
from Scott Baker, a Bay City ear, nose and throat specialist. The Tribune
contacted Baker’s office, which said he was out until next week. Baker’s
signature appears on a letter received by the county building and zoning office
Sept. 30 regarding patient Debra Ruth of Elkton.
Baker writes that Ruth has Meniere’s disease in both ears,
leaving her with “very little hearing function” and “essentially no balance function
in either ear.” Meniere’s disease is a disorder of the inner ear that causes
severe dizziness and a roaring sound in the ears called tinnitus — a common
cause of hearing loss, according to the National Institute of Health.
Scientists do not know the cause of the disease, and there is no cure.
“When she is exposed to visual stimuli such as a Ferris
wheel or a windmill it causes what is call(ed) visual vertigo, which would be
very disorienting and potentially harmful to her. She has asked me to speak on
her behalf in regards to this matter and I think that her concerns are
reasonable and valid,” the letter states.
Jeff Smith, the county’s building and zoning director, said
it was the first time he’s seen such a letter from a medical professional.
Smith said he doesn’t see it as validating health concerns
for wind turbines, but could in the future.
“We may seek correspondence from them as it progresses,”
Smith said.
But because the township Ruth lives in isn’t under the
county’s zoning jurisdiction, Smith said he isn’t sure what can be done besides
investigating the matter.
Ruth, in a letter dated Aug. 18 and received by Smith’s
office Aug. 31, writes her condition causes a severe spinning sensation.
“It can happen when I look at things that are spinning,” the
letter states. “If this turbine goes up by our house I might not be able to go
in my yard or look out my front window without triggering an attack.”
The Tribune could not reach Ruth to verify the letter. Smith
says he has not confirmed the letter was sent by Ruth.
However in April, readers were asked to submit questions
they had about wind energy the Tribune would ask during a DTE Energy media
tour. Ron Ruth contacted the Tribune, requesting to ask whether anyone
complained of contracting Meniere’s disease because of a turbine. DTE officials
said they hadn’t heard such a complaint in research they’ve reviewed.
DTE’s Matt Wagner said he had talked with the Ruths many
times. One solution involved shielding the turbine from their home, using trees
to block the view, he said.
DTE has been approved for a 30-turbine project in Chandler,
Oliver and Colfax townships. A spokesperson could not confirm Thursday if it
still planned to build the turbine near the Ruths’ home.
The Himmels, of Elkton, also penned an Aug. 28 letter to
Smith. They said it was not a professional medical opinion from Nick Himmel, a
physician’s assistant with a family practice in Ubly, but that it was sent out
of concern for their neighbor, the Ruths. The Tribune contacted the Himmel
family, which verified the letter.
“We are pleading with you not to let this turbine go up,”
the letter states.
The Himmels say they’re concerned for their neighbor’s
health and question how Ruth would “cope with a massive, spinning wind turbine
about a quarter mile from her front door.”
“We are also deeply concerned that this turbine will ruin
any beauty our little farm has and consequently its property value. This
turbine will completely dominate our landscape, making it look like an
industrial zone and it will forever mar our beautiful sunset view, which was
one of the reasons we bought this farm in the first place. We never imagined
something like this could happen when we bought this property,” the letter
Friday, after the article published, DTE contacted the Tribune to request
publishing a letter to the editor, which appears in today's edition.
"As planning for the proposed Pinnebog project
progressed, we identified some construction challenges with the turbine in
question. Based on those challenges, as well as with this resident's concerns,
we have decided to remove this turbine from the proposed Pinnebog Wind Park
layout," the letter states.
Ron Ruth contacted the Tribune on Friday. He said he was
thankful to see the article, and that DTE had called him and said they do not
plan to build the turbine.
County Commissioner Rich Swartzendruber, whose district
includes Chandler Township, said he got a call from Ron Chriss, a DTE regional
manager. Chriss said the utility did some re-engineering and isn't citing the
turbine near Ruth's home, Swarzendruber said.
"So hopefully the health problems for Mrs. Ruth will be
avoided," Swartzendruber said during a Tuesday board meeting.
DTE utility recently got the go-ahead to build 30 turbines
in Chandler, Oliver and Colfax townships. Initial plans put the majority in
neighboring Meade Township; however, in a referendum triggered by Meade
resident Rita Parsch, a friend to the Ruths, residents reversed the township
board's decision and voted against the project.