Thursday, October 29, 2015

Consumers Energy Apartment-Dwellers: You Can Keep Your Analog Meter

We have received reports that Consumers Energy is allowing apartment-dwellers to keep their analog meters. For more information on the Consumers Energy opt-out program, see the Smart Meter Education Network website. Consumers usually tells customers they cannot keep their analog meter, or makes you think you will not get a new, digital meter, and then they install one. So read the website!

1 comment:

  1. I live in subsidized apartment housing. We have Consumers Energy as our power provider. I called them BEFORE they started smart metering the apartments. I got a confirmation letter from Consumers. They billed me the $69 fee and the meter read fee. When the meter technician showed up, I had all my proofs with me. He did not ask to see them. I DID sit outside the whole time he was here to make sure he didn't switch my meter. 3 days later, I still have my analog! :-)
